How to Assemble a Protected Chicken Coops?

"Chicken Coops contrast with the life period at which you start raising chickens the breed and whether you desire to raise free-range chickens or keep them in a barn. Coops can be simple or difficult, construct with materials salvage from a dump, utilize an existing building, or are built from scratch with all new materials. However, no matter the kind of coops, certain design elements will remain the same.


Check restricted zoning ordinances and neighborhood association rules to make sure you can legally build stationary chicken coops. Portable chicken coops may be exempt from zoning ordinance, but it's best to check with your local building supervisor before building either type of coops.

Allocate 4 square feet of liberty per bird inside the coops and 10 square feet per bird in the run, depending on the breed. Your birds will get sick if too swarming.

Use perpendicular two-by-four studs to create the frame. Append plank or plywood covering on the outside. Depending on your climate, the walls might need to be insulated.

Make two doors. The chicken hatchway door should be hinged on the foundation so it'll form a ramp when it opens, allowing the chickens a way to get external. The other door will be your entry into the chicken coops. Make it from 3/4 inch exterior plywood. The large door should open private.

Assemble floors from dirt, wood or existing. Dirt is cheap but can turn into mud and harbor microbes. In addition, it can make it hard to clean up the manure. Wood will ultimately rot, but, if you decide to use it, it should be 1 or 2 inches thick and should not be treated with chemicals. You will need joists underside the planks to provide support. Existing is easy to clean and helps keep predators out, but it's the most expensive to install and requires the most work.

Build nesting boxes in an area separate from nonpaying hens, one box for every four birds. Build an imbalanced roof over each box for privacy. A distorted roof will help avert manure from building up. Utilize old stepladders for roosts or lay large sticks across the coops. Chickens like to sleep on roosts.

Fit important, tight wire fencing around the coops to keep your chickens safe from predators, and bury your fence at least 12 inches into the ground to keep predators from digging under it. Consider using an electric fence for added safety."

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